Red Bull Music UK

Consulting/ Ideation / Copywriting / Social media creative


Red Bull UK appointed content agency Somethin’ Else to eliminate a skills and time deficit in their in-house social media team and deliver ideation, development and the creation of varied and engaging content for their social channels.

With Red Bull’s range of priority audiences; fitness, music and nightlife, gaming, and sports, Somethin’ Else was tasked with delivering new ideas and content formats to engage each of the individual target audiences and build reach on social media platforms themselves, as well as for editorial content and key marketing priorities.


Forward Slash was commissioned by Somethin’ Else and brought on board at the start of the engagement to work collaboratively on ideas, content strategy, social media creative and copywriting.

The strategy was to engage each of the priority audiences on social media platforms through a combination of original, repeatable and bespoke formats, design creative which is visually striking and commands attention, and an editorial stance which enables each piece of content to exist standalone on platform and entices further consumption off platform.